Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Songwriter Lyrics: "Poimlets from Heaven"

1. "The song lyrics were so vague and nebulous, I knew immediately what they meant!" -Jan

2. "I had no idea what the words were trying to say, so that convinced me how intuitively precise they were!" -Bill, or Steve, either one...

3. "The lyrics were so powerfully awesome in their awesomeness, that it couldn't possibly have been any less awesome!" -Wendy

4. "I found true meaning in the trueness of their truth! It couldn't of been any more truer than it already was, to me!" -Shamwocka

5. "Song lyrics are so incredible, you can become really lost in their incredibleness!" -Skye

6. "The brilliousity of the rhyming is the thing of it, you know whut I'm sayin'? Don't you agree? Can't you see? Are you with me? Whut, do I look like a tree? I ain't no Bumble bee! I have a Bentley! Set me free! You creepy dee! Can I a Rapper be? Oh shit, I gotta go Pee! Freaky Z!" -BK Wrapper

7. "Rhyming ability is truly a Gift from God, and shows Geniousnicity of the highest Mental disorder! Like, sorta like, that Einstein Guy! You know whut I'm sayin'?" -Pie Nellas

8. "Gosh! Song lyrics, and rappiters, are just like Renaissance "Poimlets"! Just like that English Shake-Spear-Mint gum guy! With different flavors, like grape, cherry, and minty stuff!" -Weazzel

9. "Poimetry and poimlets are Litterature at the Tops Level! If you knows this stuff, you are a very litter-ated poyson! Yo talent be finelated and x-squish-it!" -Bo Nanna

10. "If you gotta axe me whut it means, I can't x-plain it! Am I clearible?" -Bo Jango

Copyright 2009 by Bernard Drums! All rights reserved. You no whut I'm sayin'? Don't make me x-plainitate it four yu!!

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