Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hard Times Survey: Test Yourself to See If You Are a Republican or a Democrat!

Test Questions:

1.) Which one are you more worried about?

A. Gay people sneaking up behind you, and humping your ass.

B. The entire financial system of the United States collapsing.

C. Not sure

D. Can I think about it?

2.) Which one are you more worried about?

A. Losing your job, your home, and your retirement savings, during a recession.

B. A Gay guy with a dick in his mouth.

C. Not sure

D. Can I think about it?

3.) Which one are you more worried about?

A. Having to work at Wal-Mart the rest of your life because your job was shipped overseas.

B. Thinking about a manly looking Lesbian licking another lesbians boo-boo.

C. Not sure.

D. Can I think about it?

4.) Which one are you more worried about?

A. Losing your job, losing your identity as a "skilled professional" and "good provider", losing your confidence and self-worth as a human being, and having to sell your house, and move into a crappy apartment, where you can hear the guy above you pissing, snoring, and farting.

B. Getting the shivers over the idea of a gay guy's weeny, inside another guy's butt.

C. Not sure.

D. Can I think about it?

Now Total Your Score!

Any "not sure" or "think about it" answers means you are a shallow Republican robot, or you might be gay, and you should seek help immediately from Jesus, your Eternal Savior, or you will burst into flames for thinking such disgusting Republican thoughts! (Gotcha!)

And when people lose their jobs, homes, and health care, and are hungry and cold, just say "When god closes one door, he always opens another!" Or, "God has a Plan for you, and it's not good!"

Or say, "God never gives you more than you can bear, so be glad it's not worse!" Or "Look on the bright side, you still have Jesus!"

Or, "Thank God your not Gay, or Republican!"

Or, just say, "I'm not sure. Can I think about it?"

Copyright 2009 by Bernard Drums! All rights reserved.