Friday, March 27, 2009

Economic Meltdown: Republican Hypocriticism 101. Pulling a "Hoover" on the Nation.

Republicans are like a bunch of college fraternity brothers, who hold a wild party, burn down the Frat House, and then complain about the big bill from the insurance company to rebuild the House.

Something like "burdening the future frat brothers with draconian and unneccessary Debt. The Unfairness of it all! We shouldn't have to spend a dime to rebuild the Frat House! That would be Imprudent, and Rash Economic Behavior!!"

The Republicans, ya gotta love 'em, becuz their Mother and Father sure didn't! It's the only thing that can explain their anal, greedy Selfishness, and Uncaring for others. They're trying to Hang On to every last "Dollar of Love" they can.

And of course, without real love to nourish their shriveled, starving Hearts, yep, you guessed it, the DEVIL got ahold of 'em. Too late for most of them, they're now solidly on the Dark, Demonic Side..."Earth to Deathstar! Your Evil Republican Empire Storm Troopers are awaiting your Orders, Lord Vader!"

In dealing with Republicans, I've decided to "Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner". Perhaps someday, with Help from Jesus and the Church, they will "Choose" a more Moral and Honest Lifestyle...although it might be Biological, and they can't Choose!

I mean, if Republicans are allowed to Love the Dollar over People, what's next, Republicans marrying Money??

Now that would be just plain Wrong! That would be a "Sinful and Immoral Lifestyle Choice"!

Good Lord! Adam married Eve, not the Dollar!

P.S. President Hoover held on to every last dollar, and Cut spending during the Great Depression of the Thirties, in his theory to cure it...and instead the lower government spending only made the Great Depression even worse!!! Those Republicans sure love to hang on to money.

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