Thursday, December 3, 2009

The "Health Care Deficit" is Republican "Code" to Whites! Saying "Higher Taxes Will Give FREE Health Care to NIGGERS, and Cost You Your Job!

There is one thing you learn when you move South, to one of the poorest counties in Florida, and start rubbing shoulders with the local blue collar dumb guy.

First of all, it’s not the LAND WHERE RACISM NO LONGER EXISTS. Not by a long shot.

Second, the poor white guys have had a long time for their resentment to simmer. The attitude still is, “Gubmint takes your Tax Dollars, gives them to The Niggers, so they can live for FREE!”

In “right to work for nothing” states, where businesses squeeze workers for every last ounce of sweat, you can imagine why a poor white guy on a low Republican Wage would resent seeing Niggers live for free, paid for with his tax dollars!

The Democrats started this with the Cadillac Welfare Queen, when their Compassion got the best of them, and they erred on the side of wanting to help out in the Ghetto, but not exactly knowing how.

Republicans, erring in return, spout “Tax Cuts will Fix Everything, including Aids, my little dick, and the lack of Jobs.” Meanwhile, both parties have shipped the Blue Collar Dumb Guy jobs to China, and Mexico.

(With a tax cut, an insecure Republican male can buy a big SUV, or down here, a LOUD pickup Truck, and make his little dick seem bigger. Women also think a Tax Cut makes a guy’s dick look bigger! With women, the more money you give them, the more they “LOVE” you! I think it’s because they are very Emotional, and Sensitive, and the Caretakers of the Relationship!)

Dems helped create the now well known “Culture of Welfare Dependence” in the ghetto, and Welfare Reform is one of the very few times that Republicans had it right. VERY FEW.

Usually, Extremist Republicans are on the wrong side of History. They have just about Resisted every new improvement in Human Progress that has come down the pike, always claiming the Improvement will make things worse. (Name ’em CornSprout! I dare ya! Just name One! Ya can’t, can ya, because all the improvements did make things worse!)

Usually the Improvement made things better for Most People, but made the Rich just a tiny bit less Rich.

But back to Southern, Blue Collar Dumb Guy Racism, and why the GOP is pounding away on the “Deficit Boogey Man Theme”.

The GOP is saying to the hard core, blue collar, Bitter Enders of America, “this health care bill will increase the Deficit, causing the Gubmint to Raise Taxes to pay for the Deficit, you will have Less Money in your pocket, the hated Niggers will get Health Care for Free, your Health Care will get worse, and then as a final Insult, businesses will have to lay you off because of the higher taxes on them, so you will LOSE your Job, THE NIGGERS will get FREE HEALTH CARE, and you will be Unemployed!” Got it?

In short, “if you vote for this health care bill, your Taxes will go way Up, you’ll Lose your Job, and, drum roll please, THE NIGGERS will go to the Doctor for FREE!”

That’s NuRepublican NuSpeak! See? It’s Easy as 1, 2, 3!

And you, my scraggly-toothed, Southern, Blue Collar Dumb Guy, will have to pull out your last tobacco stained brown tooth, with a pair of pliers, and perform heart surgery on your Granny, with a plastic hanger from Walmart! The wire kind, with the rubber sleeve, I find, is most pliable, and if washed, can be re-used!

Faint (I Done Gots Me The Vapors) Bernard!

Copyright © 2009 by Bernard Drums! All rights, and tights, RESERVED!

If a guy in a pickup truck wore Tights, would it make his balls look Bigger? Maybe if he stuffed his jock with wads of Money? Wrapped his Cock with dollar Bills? Offered to buy the girl a House with all the dollars in his jock? Maybe if he say’s, “I don’t have much money, AND I got a little dick”, women will Love him Even More?

You never know what women think!

Or do ya?

One, two, three, four…

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