Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Top Classic Military Slogans for Fighting Dirty Guerrilla Wars, with Crystal Blue Anti-Insurgent Detergent! The General's Grand Utopian Illusions!

The Oral Opiates, and Grand Illusions, of the General’s Utopian Delusions. One More Year Should Do It, Trust Me!

And the Top Slogans Are, Envelope Please!

1. “I see Light at the end of the Tunnel, and it’s a guerrilla fighter, with a Flashlight! I see Light, and it’s the Bright Flame from the Muzzle Blast of an AK-47! Or, I feel very Light, and it’s the Shock Wave from a Roadside Bomb!”

“Or, it’s the Bright Sunlight, coming through the Rocket Hole in my chest!”

“Or…or…it’s the Bright Light just before I meet Jesus!”

“Hi Jesus, what are YOU doing here?! Top of the mornin’ to ya! Have you been to Mass yet? Oh good, then we can go together! I just love your robe, where did you get it? How do you keep your beard so clean? You know, I just can’t seem to find the right shampoo to keep my hair clean under these desert conditions!”

2. “The Viet Namese-Iraqi-Afghani Army is getting Stronger by the minute…Every Day! As we speak! Really! I have a Pocket Watch! See! Look! Tick…tick…tick…KA-BOOM!”

(The South Vietnamese Army collapsed 10 days after we left Viet Nam, and we were there for 12 years. We trained them Very Well!)

3. “We CAN defeat the Taliban…IF we Bomb Hanoi, back to the Stone Age! Well, it was a Long Shot…” (see Hanoi, capitol of North Vietnam)

“We could…uh…maybe…just possibly…it is within the realm of probable probability, uh, certainly with a lotta Luck, and the Wind at our back…just might be able to defeat the Taliban…if we Bomb Lots of Stuff, with extra precise, and precisely precise precision, and Target the New Tallyban, and the Old Tannenbaum as well, and all of “All Khyber”, making sure not to let Al Queda Pass thru the Khyber Pass, and bomb them all, right back to the Stone Age!”

(see Air Force General Curtis Lemay, Stone Age, bombs, ka-boom, etc., Khyber Pass, elephants, Hannibal, the A-Team, George Peppard, Mr. T, and German Christmas Carols. That should keep you busy.)

4. “If we invade Cambodia, (see Dick Nixon, Invasion of Cambodia), this will put pressure on Burma, which will put pressure on India, which will put pressure on Pakistan, you can see where I’m going with this, which will put pressure on the Taliban. Ya think? Maybe? Just a little??”

(See Under Pressure by Queen, and Pressure Drop, from The Harder They Come. Also see Dropping from the Pressure, U.S. Army, Iraq extended deployment, stop loss policy.)

5. “Can we get the Vietnamese to “insurgitate” Afghanistan? What if we used Crystal Blue Persuasion by Tommy James and the Shondells, as an “Anti-Insurgent Detergent”? Or did they just sing “Hang On Sloopy”, “with what you’ve got”? Or should we be singing “Stair Way to Heaven”, by Political Lead Zeppelin Balloon? Come on, work with me here!”

6. Run DMZ -- See “Run DMC”, an early rap group, and the “DMZ”, in the Viet Nam-American War.

The “Demilitarized Zone” was an empty strip of No-man’s Land, separating North and South Vietnam, stripped bare of all vegetation through use of Agent Orange, an orange colored pesticide that killed everything in its path, including American soldiers, years later from Cancer. Designed to stop pesky insurgent infiltration.

Now the expression, “Run! DMZ!” is used by confused white people, who get off the freeway at the wrong exit, and find themselves in a black ghetto, and shout, “Run! We’re in a DeMoralized Zone!”

The Demoralized Zone is where angry, uneducated, heavily armed gangsta Black Kids, with low self esteem and low morale, dress in baggy clothes and funny hats, and ride around in lawless, crime ridden areas, controlled by Tribal Warring Gang Lords, while driving Pimped Out Hummers, that go BOOM-BOOM, and HIP-HOP up and down, when they blast out a hit that’s “A BOMB”.

While driving around and Infiltrating the local population, they sell popular and Poppy Seed drugs, and listen to addictive Hip Hop Pop Hits, also known as roadside “IEDs”, or Improvised Entertainment Devices, or “IVVD-CRDs” (Improvised Venereal Disease Video Compact Rap Discs), which are the “Opiates of Delusion, to a Disillusioned People”, and make traveling the roadway of life Very Dangerous.

They also keep growing New Recruits of hard core, bitter ender, fundamental crack and heroin addicts, as they Win the “Fear and Behinds” of the people. These Fundamental Gangsters live and work in desolate, abandoned areas, known only as the Hood, or the “Red Lined, Black Zone”, and give the whole area a bad rap, as well as vast quantities of bad, Rap “music”.

Run DMZ has proven to be very effective in keeping White People from infiltrating, investing, or insurging, into the barren lifeless Black Zone, and shows how difficult it is to bring economic, and political stability to a War Zone, and the futility of trying to win Guerrilla, and gulp, “gorilla” wars. RUN! White Boy in the DMZ!

Law enforcement officials say bringing Law and Order, or Security and Stability to the DMZ, is very difficult, because the Insurgents “blend in” with the Local Population, which is just a more Diplomatic way of saying, it’s impossible to tell one Black Dude from another, and that all insurgents look alike.

Since the Cops don’t know who the Enemy is in the DMZ, and who isn’t, they don’t know who to shoot under the current Rules of Engagement, so they basically just end up shooting Everybody, often over and over again, until all the ammunition runs out.

By ventilating the Insurgents body with multiple bullet holes, it briefly brings down the temperature of the Hot Zone, or LZ, (the Lead Zone in the Hood, or in Vietnam, a hot helicopter Landing Zone), but then it raises the temperature of the Local Population in the days and weeks ahead, making it even more difficult for Counter Insurgency Operations in the Black zone, also known as Black Ops.

Ventilating the Insurgent also allows the Spirit of the Insurgent to Escape more quickly to “A Better Place”, presumably a Gated Heavenly Community, with a Security Guard to allow those in who belong to the Only Correct Religion.

And WHAT my friends, has REALLY changed, in “Military Minds”, in the 28 years, or a quarter Century, since Vietnam?

Well, THEN they said we were fighting an “INFILTRATION”. NOW they say we are fighting an “INSURGENCY”!

Each word still has Four Syllables, but it really is a Big Difference in Strategy, and it shows how much the Ginerals have Lerned, and lernitated, in 28 Yeers of Milletary Spearience!

Them Boys is SMERT, and Quick with their History Lessons!

Same War, different Word! Them boys is Clevver!

(“Demoralized” has two definitions. One is low morals, or lack of morals. Another is low morale. Either one can lead to the other. Without jobs, low morale can result, and then low morals can follow.)

7. Agent Orange -- Similar to Orange Crush, Mountain Dew, and Pepsi, this Soft Drink is designed to Win the Taste Buds of the People, causing them to Seek the American Way of Life, and become fat, diabetic, and addicted to Sugar and Junk Food. Very popular in “The DMZ", although may cause cancer of the mind, and diabetes of the soul.

Has a gooey, sticky, sour taste, that lingers long in your mouth, for many years afterwards.

8. “Peace with Honor”- This is a “reverse” slogan, that really means “Retreat…We got Our Butts Kicked!” Tricky Dick Nixon came up with this one, or one of his speechwriter assholes did.

9. “No One will Ever Trust Our Commitments Again! If we Cut and Run Now!”

Hell, even Superman can be defeated by enough Kryptonite! This one is a lot like, “I’d rather be Broke, Stubborn, and Dead...than live to fight another day!”

Hasn't anyone ever heard of "Better to live, to fight another day?" Or, "It's the Long Run that counts, Stupid!"

And like we're really doing all this fighting, just to Convince the Super Trustworthy, uh-hmm, excuse me, Super Untrustworthy, other Politicians and Regimes, around the World?

10. “I don’t want to be the First U.S. President to Lose a War!” Classic. Total Idiot style of thinking. This is the “LBJ”, (the “Long painful Blow Job”), or, just “The Johnson” (named after Lyndon Baines Johnson, the president who said this during the Viet Nam War. He created the “Great Society“ Domestic Plan, then chucked it all away in Viet Nam. Leave it to the Politicans to Piss Away the Cash, and Fuck the people at home.)

A Totally Insane reason for fighting a god damned war. All for the EGO of One Fucking Man, who leaves office in 4 years. Can you imagine what it was like when they had Kings, who could really FUCK UP THE KINGDOM, and fuck the PEASANTS, Over Much Longer Periods of Time?

“Oh yes, My Lord! Whatever you say, Your Majesty! What's that you say? Fall on my Sword...but first bring you all the Virgins? Certainly, My King!”

11. “If we don’t stop them now, all of Southeast Asia will Fall, like Dominoes, and the Commie Pinkos will soon be in Los Angeles, wearing Black Pajamas!” ( PJ’s- the Vietnamese peasant outfit.)




The way it really worked is, after we left Viet Nam, or shall I say “Skeedaddled”, the Vietnamese started to have border wars with their previous ally, China! Then, Lo and Behold, China became Capitalist, and Vietnam became a Huge Exporter of Rice! And then Viet Nam begged the U.S. to Come Back, and build Coca-Cola Factories!

Come Back, Little Sheba! 58,000 Americans DEAD, for WHAT? For the EGO, and PRIDE of the Generals and Politicians? We could have waited 35 years and gotten the same FUCKING RESULT! Work smart, not stupid. Fight Smart, not stupid.

And have a Coke.. preferably Classic Coke, not that Wussy sweet shit, Pepsi, which is for kids and girls.

12. “We had to DESTROY the Village, in order to SAVE IT!” This one is probably the absolute Best, and is a very famous expression that came from the Viet Nam War.

Variations on this Classical Symphonic Theme are: We won the battle, but lost the war! We had to break the bank, in order to save it! We had to be stupid, to learn how to be smart!

We had to show those Commies who is Boss, even if we lost! We had to lose the war, to finally realize we couldn’t win it. We had to Burn Down Wall Street, to prove the Republican THEORIES of Self Regulating Markets were ALL WRONG, Oh Great Master Republican Dickhead Breath!

We had to cut off our Nose, to spite our Face. We had to Cut off our Dicks, to prove we were Men! We had to die senselessly, to prove we were Brave!

You want more?

13. “Bring back the Horse Cavalry, the Battleship, and the Maginot Line!” (If you don't laugh, you don't know much about Military History, at all. Really.)

14. “A Cop on every Street, and a Cop on every Beat, including in your bedroom!”

Let's use rich Republican Taxpayers to pay for all the extra cops to police the world! Republicans always like to start a War! OOPS! I forgot, Republicans like to fight wars on the Cheap, because it leaves more money left over for Industrial War Profiteers! (See Profiteers for America, by Jefferson Airplane.)

15. “An Apple a Day, keeps the Guerrilla fighters away?” Self explanatory.

See Conditions Required for Democracy, and Economic Development, in Underdeveloped Third World Countries, and in Vague, Nebulous and Unformed “Nation States”.

See also the Difficult Requirements for “Nation Building”, something Republicans hate to do, especially in America!

Which is just one of the reasons Iraq and Afghanistan are still so fucked up, after 8 years of Republican Bungling! And it also explains why all of our bridges and infrastructure in America are falling down! Now that’s what I call the sky is falling. Ba-dum-bump! Cymbal CRASH!

Think Katrina, New Orleans, and toppled highway bridges, and you get the vibe.

You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie Nose, FEMA Boy! Keep up all the good “Non-Work”! We don’t need no stinking Big Gubmint Socialist Rescue Work! Let the Fucking Unregoolated Free Market Save New Orleans!

Sell them Niggers some Swimwear! And goggles and swim fins and snorkels! Let ‘em sink or swim! That’s what I say! If they can’t survive in a totally free market, let ‘em Go out of Business!

Let ‘em BAIL themselves Out, of their flooded homes! If they had bought a bank, then we woulda given em a Bailout! They shoulda put their trust in the rock solid security of a Bank Vault!

16. “If we ALL LINE UP in a Row, wear Red Coats, and FIRE OUR MUSKETS, At the SAME TIME, I just know we can Defeat Those Damn Insurgents!”

17. “Damn those Bastard Insurgents! They shoot from behind Trees, and Kill Our Officers First, and refuse to come out and fight in a Straight Line, according to Civilized Rules of War! They're SAVAGES! Those American Revolutionary Colonists are outright Terrorists and Thugs! The British Empire, and King George, will not stand for this Infernal Poppycock!”

(See 18th Century rules of Gentlemanly Code of Conduct for War, updated and known today as the "Rules of Engagement, and Terms of Endearment, for Marriage and War". You see, war is a lot like getting married, with engagement rules, and heavenly bells, just before you’re Raped, Castrated or Killed!)

It's like fighting a Dirty National Laundry Insurgency with Blue Enzyme Action “Urgent Insurgent Detergent”! One cup per Load, will do Ya'! To the Fill Line! Ultra Concentrated! New and Improved!

With Strategic, and Tactical, Ethnic Cleansing Action! With Lemon Crisp Christian Flavor! For faster Washer and Dryer “End Times”! Oh, the Rapture of it All! Thank you Jesus, for Clothes SO FRESH! And the Colors stand out in such Brilliant Resurrection!

Oh God, I think...I think I'm getting an insurging ERECTION! Oh fuck me Jesus, for I have SINNED! Just how big is a Guerrilla Penis??




(In country - Nam expression for deep in the thick of the bush jungle. This was not the safe rear echelon. However, if you did get killed, which was quite likely, then you could probably say that, in general, you were “fucked in the rear echelon”. Also, Guerrilla Wars are one of the few wars where getting fucked in the rear echelon is a normal occurrence, since there is no real Front.)

Now, was it as good for me, as it will be for you?

Hey Bub! You’re either On the Clock…and On the Cock! This Guerrilla War fuck job is costing you and your Nation, lotsa Money!

Big time Deficit, on the clock, payroll time!

Over time rates, pal! Got my drift?

Now, what’s it gonna be? Are you In, or Out? Hard or Soft? It’s Your Dick, dickweed!

I got all the time in the world. We can do this slow, or we can do it fast. In the end, or in your end, you still get Fucked.

It’s Your Money! The guerrilla’s got his penis up your ass, and he ain’t taking it out, anytime at all, and if he does, it’s gonna be REAAL SLOOW!

Say, you got a match? I could use a Good Smoke. I feel I need one, especially when I’m getting fucked, over and over, and over again. Ya know whut I’m sayin’?

18. Ira Lohenbaum, aka "I Are A Loan Bomb", The Wall Street Wiz, says: “Maybe if we corner the market on Bananas, the Guerrillas will Give Up? Maybe if we Smoke 'em Out with Teaser Interest Rates, then whack 'em with a Big Balloon Payment, we can drive them out of their Homes, into the open, and into Foreclosure Pens for the final financial slaughter!”

“Hey! It worked here! Don't look at me, I'm just makin' a suggestion! Jesus!”

“I know! Maybe if we Invest huge sums of money in the safest Triple A Rated (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) Mortgage Security Canons (see Cannons versus Canons), secure them securely with No Down Payments, and No Doc Incomes, then we could shoot down the Guerrillas, when they fly by in their Giant Balloon Payments!? What do ya’ think??”

“Well, Excuse Me! I'm always Innovatin' here! It's not my fault I'm not a regulated "Innovator"! Hell, that would defeat the purpose of Financial Guerrilla Innovation, now wouldn't it?”

19. Shining Path!- A main roadway through Guerrilla Territory, like the heart of Baghdad, where street lights are unnecessary, because the night is lit by the light of Improvised Explosive Devices, or IEDs, which are similar to LEDs, (light emitting diodes), but much less energy efficient, probably due to the use of a “die mode“, instead of a “diode”.

The Shining Path is also the fastest road to climb the Shining Stairway to Heaven, and having a very, very personal relationship with Jesus.

(Shining Path- Latin American Peruvian guerrilla movement, defeated by Economic Development, that gave the poor people surrounding the cities, a better life, and a stake in the system. One of the very, very rare instances, of guerrilla defeat.)

20. Candle Far!- A town in Afghanistan, where Anti-“Insurgent” Strategy is accomplished by U.S. Army Chaplains, who light lots of universal, catholic, “Voter Motive Votive” candles, and pray the light will drive the Guerrillas, “far, far away, to another part of the Galaxy!”

(Safire ain’t got nothing’ on me, that nattering nabob of negatory negatism! He’s dead meat! Ten-four, Good Buddy! I’m puttin’ some armored protective metal, on the floor of my Hummer Pedal, so I can put my pedal to the metal, and get away from those Smokey Old Bandits! Yee-haa! This Convoy is Rollin’! Yes, Sir, we’re Smokin’ now, and it’s all cuz of them damn guerrilla Bandits! Damn! That IED done “Burnt my Reynolds” wrap on my CB Country Boy Ham Actor sandwich!)

(See Smokey and the Bandit, CB radio lingo, Burt Reynolds, Jackie Gleason as the Sheriff, and pop hit “Convoy”. Cannonball Run fits in their somehow.)

21. Candy Whore- A town not far from Candle Far, where an alternate anti-insurgent strategy is to give candy bars to Whores, in the hopes of occupying the Muslim insurgents with homesick longing for 72 Virgins.

The strategy was not as successful as hoped, but the Pentagon said this was because only two types of candy bars were handed out, “Fubars” and “Snafus”. The Pentagon said they were repackaging the strategy, and were planning an escalated “Surge” of different flavors of Snafus and Fubars, including a chocolate bar called “Surge“, with crystal blue insurgent detergent nuggets.

Army officials hope that more types of Snafus and Fubars, will leave the guerrillas in a state of “Sugar Shock and Awe”, causing them to get Diabetes, have their feet amputated, and then ultimately die. One U.S. General said, “this will knock the feet right out from under them, and cripple them permanently!”

(Snafu, Fubar- World War II soldier lingo for “Situation Normal, All Fucked Up”, and “Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition”. In today’s lingo, a fucked up situation would be called “tasty”, “sweet”, or “awesome”.)

22. Lahore, or “L.A.Whore” -- Town in Pakistan where latest anti-insurgency strategy is to be tried. The town will be transformed into a Las Vegas Style strip called “LA Whore”, where 7,200 whores from Los Angeles will be imported to occupy the Muslim Insurgents with 24 hour nonstop “Fuck the Virgins” casino games.

If you jihad, or hit the jackpot, you get a room with a whore, free for 72 heavenly hours!

If you lose, you get to blow yourself up, with a free backpack bomb, in the parking lot, by the Holy Fountain, at a once an hour daily show.

23. “Damn those Rapscallion American Rebels! We will Defeat them with the Finest, and Best Equipped British Army the World has Ever Known!”

So sayeth King George of England, speaking to Parliament, while deciding to “Up the Troop Levels”, in a “Final Surge”, against the Recalcitrant, Rebellious, and Unrepentant, AMERICAN INSURGENTS, in Colonial America, in 1776.










American General: “Ya can’t rush things, Boy, it takes time to learnitate the Lessons of History…specially when them lessons ain’t on your side! And some of us Ginerals in the Milletary ain’t too Bright…you know whut I’m sayin’, huh BOY?”

Jesus! I could be a Fucking General! Give me the Suit…I’ll wear it! I like the buttons, and ribbons, and all that Gold Stuff! I’ll strap on a pair of Pearl-handled Patton Pistols, get me a swizzle swagger stick, and a flyin’ scarf! I probably know more military history than they do!!! Come on, you want a piece of me?!

Hey! This is all we need…Some “Crystal Blue Insurgent Detergent! With Taliban Enzyme Action!”, by the trusted “Defeat the Tide” Brand! In the Red State Box! Made by Foxhole and Gamble, the consumer products company! Just a couple Million Pounds will do it! I’ll just put it on my credit card! Do you take the new Arbitrary Extended Platinum Preemptive Invasion Visa? Master of the Universe Card? How about Discover?

What? I’m over my Credit Limit? That’s impossible! We’re Republicans! We don’t have no stinking Credit Limit when it comes to WAR, Baby! Got it? Now slide that card down your Credit Slut Slot, again, and shut up, and don’t give me any more fucking problems! Don't Think, you're a Republican! No Deficit Spending is gonna stand in the way of a Republican War!

At the New Yawk Times Thought Control Department...

"Hey! Dude! I thought I told you to STOP Callin' Here!

Okay, one more time...We ONLY print the news that's Fit to print, and yours, pal, ain't fit to print! Okay? You gotta FIT the MOLD, and You my friend would just Upset People, and upset the Tea Cart, and we just can't have that. You're Too Much Thought, you gotta Simplify...simple thoughts, for Simple People!

Now just Go Away! You are really startin' to Bug Me!

We have a Business to run here! What do you think this is...a NEWS paper? Geez, where did you get THAT idea?"

Faint Bernard
Back here, way, way back, in the back.

Copyright © 2009 by Bernard Drums! All rights, and memories, reserved and preserved, in chocolate strawberry Jam Bands, but not that syrupy sweet, aimless meandering Grateful Dead shit. Cream Jams...Allman Brothers jams...now they're real Jams!

Including Preserving the Horrible Mental Memory Jam, and Napalm Jelly Jam, of the Viet Nam “Black Victory” Memorial, and the Vietnam Psychedelic Marmalade Memory Experience. Now that's a Real War Memorial, Authentic, with a capital "A", and "A" spells American! And don't you forget it, Sissy Boy!

Didn’t some Gook Chink Chick Design That Vet Nam Memoral?? No Wonder We Lost the War! Them Slanty Eyed Yellow Skinned Gook Chinks were EVERYWHERE!

If only we’d Bombed Hanoi…or invaded China, we coulda’ Won! Damn!

If we just Used a couple a them Nookler A-Bombs! Them Roosians and Chiynee woulda peed in their pants, and run home like little pissant FAGS!

It was them Nervous Nelly Pollytishuns, them Squeamish little Queer Boys, them sissypants in Washington, that tied our hands behind our Back! All our Boys died for Nothin', because them pollytishuns didn't have No guts!

Here, have some Ice Cold Agent Orange, it’ll Quench your Blood Thirst. It's nice and frosty from the Fridge! Let me know when you want another! There's plenty there, in my mental ice box!

Damn, this is Good Stuff! Mighty thirst Quenchin', ain't it? I think I'll have me some More!

Hey, lookee here! The label says “Made in Viet Nam, by Coca-Cola!” I'll be damned! We won after all!

Damn, that’s some mighty Unorthodox Military Strategy there, ain’t it? It’s like Bizarro World! You do the Opposite of what the Enemy Expects! Holy Cow, I think we’re on to something here!

You see, you Retreat, or Retreat with Honor, and the enemy, he ain’t Spectin’ that at all, no sir! It throws ’em totally off their guard, and then, it softens ’em up, and then they start lookin’ for Soda Pop, all on their own!

Yes, sir, after their throats is good and parched, they wanna build their own Soda Pop Factory, make Money, and let Cooler Heads prevail! It’s like when Captain Picard on Star Trek infected the Borg Commie Pinko Collective with the Mental Virus of Free Market Individualism, and then they decide to Dominate the Soda Pop Market, instead of Conquering Earth, and the Entire Galaxy!

Just goes to show ya’, you can lead a Guerrilla to Soda Pop, but you can’t make him drink! No, sir! Sometimes it can take up to fifty, or a hundred years! You just gotta be patient, like a cat, or a fox, or a foxcat, and wait until the guerrilla is good, and thirsty!

And get a Good Sized Box, to Contain the Guerrilla in!

Nothing like a good container, to keep your soda pop cold, while your waiting for a guerrilla to drink! That’s whut I always say! But Hell, whut the fuck do I know? I ain’t no 5 star Gineral!

I’m just a Fucked, Buck Private, Private Citizen!

Ain’t nobody gonna listen to my Strategic Plan!

Pass me another Cool One from the fridge, will ya’?
Here’s to Cooler Heads!

May they Prevail!


Damn! Did ya hear that? Didn’t I tell you them CHINKS WERE EVERYWHERE!

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