Thursday, November 10, 2011

Obama, On the Down Low, Having a Bromance, With the Corporate Money Dicks!

Presidential Dog Tricks: “Rollover! Hunt! Play Dead!”

The Impotent, Immaterial IMPOTUS: Is Obama the Brown Bomber, Or Neville Chamberlin? Muhammad Ali, or Woody Allen? McClellan, or Grant?

Just when you think you’re FINALLY gonna win one, with the odds in your favor, three against one -- a Dem controlled White House and Senate, polls showing 60 percent in favor of raising taxes on the rich to balance the budget, against a lone hara-kiri GOP House -- what does the “Top Alpha Dog” do?

He rolls over, and plays dead!

Does this Presidential dog ever try to hunt? Or is he just a “lap dog” to his Republican Handlers, or should I say, “GOP Molesters?”

Just what, does this Top Alpha Dog really do?

He doesn’t bark. No! That would be partisan! Not even a snarl, a growl, or a yip. And he never even bares his teeth!

He’s a real quiet dog, very well mannered. The bestest house nigger we ever had!  He just ain’t worth shit as a Guard Dog.

The GOP will break in, rob the house, steal the silverware, and Old John “Boner” will rape your wife AND Granny, before the Obaminator Dog even wakes up!

And when he does see the enemy coming?  He wags his tail, whines, and offers em a “preemptive compromise” presentation, of his balls, on a silver platter.

Bewildering isn’t even the word.

Mystifying, maybe…

Sold out... for sure
The Brown Obomber

Joe Lewis, a heavyweight American boxer from the 1930s, was called the “Brown Bomber”, because he was a Negro Colored Person. I’m pretty sure about this, but I’m losing my grip on the past, mainly due to a GOP anti-reality virus that’s been going around.

Joe beat a Nazi boxer, called the “Sauer Kraut Machine”, at the ’36 Olympics in Berlin (Max Schnelling?), and he also beat a white dude back in America called “The Great White Hope”, who was a Starkist Theme Park Killer Whale, with a floppy dorsal fin. He also fought a guy named “Lurch”, and another guy named “Vinnie the Tuna.”

The Great White Hope was called that because White People back then couldn’t handle a Negro being the Boxing Champeen of the World, in basically the same way they can’t handle a black buck, a Mandingo, or a Nigger Boy, being president today.

Go figure… time marches on.

Me, I happen to pretty much like the Nigger People, unless they get too uppity, and start “back sassin’” their superior white folk. I don’t have anything agin’ em, as long as they keep their place, in the back of the bus, and realize they is inferior to us educated white folk, especially us dumb, blue collar, southern white folk.

I’m makin’ the big assumption that niggers are 100 percent human, of course, and not some kinda blended ape mixture, or coon mix, which sometimes they seem to be.

As a superior white man, I am tired of black dudes walkin’ around with their pants below their underwear, with their butts poking’ out, making some kind of social and fashion statement. It doesn’t make‘em look real smart, and it tempts our pure white southern females, with impure and unJesusy thoughts.

The reason why Texas has the highest rate of teen oral sex diseases, is probably due to teenagers dreamin’ about black butts, and white cocks! A White Trash Southern Girl can’t just say no to sex, if she has a high school kid’s cock jammed in her mouth, now can she?

Which reminds me of a joke I just made up. What do you call a country boy’s cock jammed in a southern girls mouth?

Give up?

A tongue depressor!

Or, no cost “Southern O’Mama Health Care!” Just open wide, and “Say Ahhh!”

That’s why they is all against Obama Care down here in the educated South. Any time Bubba starts feelin’ bad, he just visits his sister, or cousin, and says, “this won’t hurt a bit! Just open wide, and say Ahhh! Think of it as thermometer, to see how hot you are!”


The Black Brothers look even more pathetic when they grab their cocks in public, which makes ’em look real insecure, like they just lost their momma, their daddy, and their job, AND they gotta pee real bad, and their cock is the last thing they have to cling to in the whole wide lonely world!

Kinda like their dick is a Teddy Bear, or a Security Blankie.

Now, I personally don’t mind if we have a nigger boy for president, as long as he has a pair of balls, and fights for all us fellow niggers, both white and black.

Which apparently this one doesn’t.

Fight, that is.

Go figure, the first Black Dude as Prez, and he has no balls, no dick, and nobody’s afraid of him. Certainly not the GOP!

The first dickless Blackman. The impotent, immaterial IMPOTUS.

No way can we call this dude, “Shaft, the big black private dick, with the plan, going after The Man.”

Just when you need a black dude with a hard on for the money shot, splattered all over the other guys face, we get a Mr. Softee Cone with a limp weeny.

And unfortunately, the Black Prez also has several “Mr. Softee” Jewish political advisors as his “fluffers”. These play it safe advisors have fully sold out to the Establishment White Man, and ingratiated themselves into the WASP Old Boy Network, and now don’t want to upset the apple cart, in their rush to court both the Corporations, and the Undecided Independent Voters.

The Undecided Independent Voters are what I call the “The Confused Voters”. “Hey Man! I’m independent! I’m confused, and opportunistic! Who’s gonna give me the better deal?”

But since the Dems are now fully “in bed” with the Corporations, their compromised legs wide open, cunt in the air, fucking them like good little whores for the money, they can’t admit this, because this would make them look bad!

The problem with this stance, or political position, with your pants down, your butt in the air, a corporate cock in your mouth, and your hand out for the cash, is you are painted into a corner, and you can’t counter GOP policy arguments with the Truth, by telling today’s real narrative that our democracy, our parties, our representatives, our government, have all been bought, paid for, and stolen by the rich, and that’s why you the voter are getting fucked, not by big Gubmint, but by Big Business controlling Big Gubblemint.

See, that’s the Truth. It’s not Big Gubmint is the Problem. It’s Big Business CONTROLLING and OWNING your government that is the PROBLEM, buttwheat!

This inconvenient Truth would help unconfuse the Independents enough to make them vote for Obama, but the Dems are locked out of using their best argument, the Truth, because the Dems are now hungrily sucking on a huge, honkin’, stiff Corporate Money Cock, just like the GOP whores have always done, the GOPers traditionally being the “country club” whore party for the rich.

[Fluffer- A female, or male, who keeps the guy’s penis hard, on the porn set, ready for the next scene. In Obama’s case, his Jewish advisor fluffers keep him “soft”, ready for the next political defeat, or “premature ejaculation compromise.”]

The first black guy in the World, without a big honkin Hard On.

My advice? Viagra, and testosterone pills.

Our presidential dog dick doesn’t want to hunt, bite, bark, or Squirt.

Go figure.

Shake that thing, baby, the GOP is a WHITE MAN, he skeered of the Black Man’s Dick!

Amd all we got is a big fuckin useless hunk of fire hose sized rope.

Wrap it up on the hose wheel, and let’s go home. Kill the lights! Break the set.

This dude is no longer important, he’s impotent.


Put on your marching shoes?

You put your’s on first, sonny boy.

That’s what the fuck we elected you for.



Rope a Dope? Boxing Joke? Or “Great White Middle Class” Hope?

The Question now is, what boxing strategy, if any, is the “Obama Bomber” following, or is he even boxing at all? As the guy on Huff Post said, “he’s now the perfect punching bag”.

Muhammad Ali’s “rope a dope” strategy had Ali lean against the ring ropes, let his opponent punch him repeatedly, and NOT swing back! This looks kinda like what Obama is doing today, while his counterpart, the Great GOP Hope, the “Suntanned Boner”, gives the Brown Bomber a “Maximum Shelling!”

Ali would put his arms in front of his chest, with his gloves pointed straight up, close to his pretty face to protect it, while he was repeatedly pummeled.

Ali’s strategy I guess, was his opponent would wear himself out by punching Ali’s strong stomach muscles, and then later in the fight, Ali would bust out, and cream the other guy.

But if you go into the political boxing ring, without protection for your balls and teeth, thinking it’s gonna be a tea party with crustless sandwiches, then you will look like a 98 pound Woody Allen weakling.

Just like a real dope would look “on the ropes”, ready to be defeated, before the fight has even begun.

You will also look like a pubic haired bar of wussy flowered shower soap, hanging on a rope, waiting for some Conservative to ram you up his single minded, anal fixated, homo phobic, butt squeezer ass, to cleanse himself of his Typical Conservative Fears and Insecurities, and freshen his greedy Mental DEMONS.

And what will they call you then, with your own bar of soap up your ass?

A “Brown Noser?”

A “Soap a Dope?”

Or a tired, tarred, and sticky black, “Tar Baby?”

“Uncle Remus, is that you?”

“No, it ain’t your Uncle Ree-Ree, Brother Rabbit! It’s me, your Brother Barack! My foot is stuck to this here Republican Tar Baby, and I can’t get Loose! Damn, and I just done bought me this new pair of white runnin’ shoes!”

“I’ll go get the bottle of Pine Soul! Or will Spic and Span do?”

“Spic and Span will do fine! Them spics and spanish latino workers clean real good! Work cheap too!”

Taking a Dive? Or Just Tryin’ to Stay Alive?

There is a scene in “On the Water Front”, where ex-boxer Marlon Brando is in the back seat of a car with Mobster Rod Steiger, and Brando say’s “You shoulda been lookin’ out for me! I was a Contender! I coulda been somebody! Instead you had me take a cheap dive, and fall for the easy money!”

Is Obama “Marlon Brando”, taking a dive to the canvas, pretending to fight but falling down at a prearranged point, “fixing” the fight, and thereby giving up the Real Contender Spot?

Or is Obama “Neville Chamberlin”, who after giving his lunch money and Czechoslovakia to Hitler, famously said to the press, “We will never go to War with one another again!”

Or is he Muhammad Ali, positioning himself for the long haul, and cleverly roping and doping his opponent into a state of dopidity, dope idiocy, and eventual over confident stupor?

Or, is he a stunningly ineffectual, and amazingly disappointing, Woody Allen, a “Great White Disappointment Dope?”

Three Strikes and Yer OUT!

How many times has Obama done this?

Unless he has some really slick Plan up his sleeve, it’s starting (starting?) to look like he gives up without much of a fight.

Hillary’s brass balls are lookin’ really good about now. That girl had grit.

Is He Perfecting the Art of Appeasement, or Deflecting the Energy of His Opponent? Trying His Best, Or Taking the Easiest Rest?

So, a few changes are in order.

1. From now on, the theme song to the movie “Shaft”, will be changed from, “Shaft, the big black Private Dick…”, to “Obama, the tiny white Presidential Dick, who shafts us anyway!” Or, “Obama, the big black Wuss, who fucks us in the end anyway!”

2. All Senators, Congressmen, and Obama, will be forced to wear spiked dog collars around their necks, with short leashes, attached to their Corporate Owners.

3. Adolf Hitler’s head will be thawed out, attached to Grover Norquist’s head and to Obama’s head, and their combined three heads will be called the “Groveler HitQuest O’Mama Bama Jama Man”.

4. Obama, aka “The Brown Obomber”, will reveal that when he dies, he wants his tombstone to read, “We will never have political war with one another again, as long as I’m willing to compromise and surrender first!”

His tombstone will also say, “I assure you, ahead of time, in advance, that I will pull my panties down, and let you completely fuck me, with only a token show of resistance, and without ever putting up a real fight!”

And that my friends is our friend, “Bay Rock the Obombinator”, on the lowdown, explaining his unwillingness to have a major showdown, in Columbia Town!


Faint Bernard

Copyright © 2011 by Bernard Drums! All rights reserved, and deserved, because I’m a Woman, and I ride a Big, Wet, Juicy Slab of Bacon!

Do you wanna fuck me now, Boner Boy, or later, or both? Here, let me pull my panties down, just like this! Do you like that?

Now, FUCK ME! Just the way all the GOP boys do it! That’s the ticket!

Slow, easy, and HARD!

That’s just the way I like it!

Let’s do it again, in six months, okay, Big Boy?

It may be even HARDER, to raise me to the ceiling then! Oh yeah, Harder! I can’t wait!

* * *

Spare the Man?

Lincoln said of General Grant during the Civil War, “I can’t spare the man, he fights!” This was after giving a whole list of generals a fighting chance, and firing them all except Grant.

Union General McClellan was hired, fired, then rehired, and then fired again. His flaws? He stayed in camp alot, dilly dallied far too long, and didn’t press on after his victories. He always claimed he was outnumbered, when he usually had far more soldiers than Confederate General Lee ever did.

Sound familiar to any one today? Lincoln actually had to BEG General McClellan to fight.

General Hooker I think got spooked after one big battle, lost his nerve, and turned to drink.

And General Burnside, I can’t even remember what happened to him, but I think he got a haircut, a shave, or just a little burned.

And Meade, I think, finally stopped Lee at Gettsysburg.

So, what would Lincoln say today about Obama?

“I can’t spare the man, he fights”?

Or, “I can certainly spare the man, he doesn’t fight”?

* * *

England’s Finest Hour

There is one other possibility.

At the beginning of our Civil War, and World War Two, there were precious few victories for the people that eventually won. Very depressing.

The winners were, in the end, the progressive liberal Northern Yankee Americans, over the conservative, treasonous, secessionist South, and the USA over the Nazis and the “Nips”. I think “Nips” is a little more politically correct than “Japs”, or slanty eyed little yellow people, don’t you?

During the Battle of Britain, the Germans sent fleets of bombers and fighters over England.

England only had a limited amount of fighters and pilots to defend herself with.

Once the British knew how often the Spitfire and Hurricane pilots had to go up and fight, and how many were shot down in each battle, the plain and ugly “Math of Attrition” arose.

After each battle, on both sides, fewer pilots would come back, and there were more empty chairs at dinner each night.

You could count the men left in the room, and not know if you would live beyond tomorrow. Not a big appetite booster.

One top RAF commander argued for the “Big Wing” strategy, sending up as many fighter planes as you had for that sector, meeting the Jerries in full force.

The other top RAF commander argued for sending “short” squadrons, always fewer planes than normal full strength. Eight fighters instead of twelve, or four fighters instead of 6.

The short strategy, which was used, couldn’t stop the German’s from reaching their target, but the British kept fighting back, rising to meet the Germans, and they slowly wore down the German air force.

The strategy stretched out their resources to cover a longer period of battle, and bought more time. This helped wear down the German’s resources, lowered their morale, lessening their will to fight, and influenced Hitler to break off the attack and switch his focus to other goals.

After Hitler ended the air battle, Churchill honored the RAF pilots by saying, “this is England’s finest hour, where so much is owed, by so many, to so few”.

The question now, for all progressive liberals, is what hour is this?

Is this the Democratic Party’s “Finest Hour?”

Or is it just another Hour of Shame, now that the Democrats have sold almost all their Soul, to the Greedy Profit Swindlers of Corporate America?

* * *

Bush Mess

Lincoln could fire McClellan, and hire Ulysses S. Grant.

We’re stuck with Obama. It would probably be pretty hard to switch horses midstream.

Right now, I’m feeling angry and frustrated. Maybe just a tiny bit of some of the flavor of what Lincoln must have felt, when he would write, or telegram McClellan, and beg him to fight.

Obama acts a lot like a beaten man, tired, instead of a man fresh and ready to fight.

The incredible mess Bush left him, may have overwhelmed Obama right from the start, with no chance to ease in, leaving him reeling, knocked out, and flat on his back on the canvas, with barely enough time to get up before the count of ten, when the next crushing blow would hit.

Wanda Sykes, the comedian, was right. If Bush hadn’t been such a Disaster, a Democrat never would have been elected. Bush, Cheney and the GOP screwed up so bad, they basically handed the keys to the White House to Obama. As they say in acting, if you were a Republican, Bush was “a hard act to follow.”

And now the dicks at right wing radio are trying to say the Clean Up Man “owns” the Bush Mess.

Rich Man has a Party, gets drunk, vomits on the floor, burns down both the Fraternity House and the World Economy, and then blames the Black Janitor the next morning for not instantly and cheaply, cleaning up the mess in a day or two! “It’s all the Black Man’s FAULT! Black Man did it! The GOP had NUTHIN to do with it!!!”

“Why isn’t the Frat House rebuilt, Nigger Boy? We got us a carwash on Saturday with the Cheerleaders! You promised us jobs for the Cheer squad! Where are the jobs???”

GOP Deregulation ATE the jobs, ya Mother fucker! “No rules” GOP Economic THEORY flushed the jobs down the fuckin toilet, ya dip switch!

Wow, the GOP dudes are twisted alright, their ends justify ANY means. Any route to power, including abandoning Truth, because it’s inconvenient, to serving the rich.

True Grit

But Bush’s Mess may have overwhelmed any man. It’s like that old show “Quantum Leap”, where each week the hero is zapped into a new situation in time. Who knew Obama would have to play FDR during the Great Depression, AND Johnson during Vietnam. He needs either a long vacation, a battery charger, or to get out of the game, throw in the towel, and quit.

Because the other boxer, his Republican opponent, has now gotten inside his Head Game, and messed him up even more psychologically.

And I’m starting to feel, that Obama doesn’t have enough Grit.

You need grit not just to be elected President, but to continuously fight “while being” the President.

The Dems aren’t fighting as if their lives depended on it. It’s not “real” enough for them yet. They aren’t focused enough, as in, “if you don’t come up with a plan to win, you are gonna die.” It’s like MacGyver, if you don’t figure out how to escape from the island prison, using a just a lipstick tube, a penny, and a nail, you’re dead!

Abraham Lincoln had a phrase for this grit, when he honored the progressive Union soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg. In his now famous Gettysburg Address, Lincoln said the progressive Union soldiers fought, died, and gave, “their last full measure of devotion, for the Union.”

In their victory over the Conservative South -- whose Cause was the worst cause a rebel nation could ever have, the backward, anti-democratic, and anti-freedom values, of an economic and political system, based on Slavery, the North put backward conservative values where they belong, in the GRAVE.

Oh, I’m sorry, did I say the Cause was Slavery? I meant to say the cause was for “anti-union, right to work (for peanuts) states!” Cuz let’s face it, the lowest possible wages ARE “slave wages”, aren’t they?

Modern Day Blue Collar White Boy Nigger in the South: “Yes Massa, I mo den willin to work fo low wages on your factory assembly line! If you wants a good bottom line profit, den I have to work for a rock bottom price, ain’t that right, Massuh? So, bottom wages is good for me, and very good fo you!”

Corporate Plantation Owner: “That’s right, BOY!”

“Yassuh, I thought so! The lower I work fo, the better off you is, and me, right? Yassuh, dats mo den fair! If I gives you mo money today, then that makes me better off in the long run! Dat make perfect sense! I’m glad we done cleared dat all up!”

“Now Massa, I’ll shuffle on out of here, and gets me back to work! You don’t have to worry about no trouble from this here white nigger boy, no suh! I’m a good anti-union worker! Ain’t no trouble here from this downtrodden, beaten, whupped, white Southern boy! No Suh, you dee BIG BOSSMAN! I’m jus dee little old SHARE CRAPPER! I’ll share whatever CRAP you decide to give me! Yassuh!”

Southerners, ya see, don’t like Unions, of any kind. And dats a fact!

Cuz Southern Boys can survive! Way Out in the Swamps, with All the Other CRITTERS! In a Subsistence Form of Living, with just enuff to get by.

Out in the Jungle. Cuz they don’t need no stinking Society, or Gubblemint.

A shotgun, and a dead animal, is All THEY need.

Who needs big city SOCIETY, in the rural, backwards, back in time South?

They sho don’t need no health care, cuz they sho ain’t got no teeth!

Well, maybe two scraggly fuzzy brown teeth.

And down hear, with Southern “schooling”, that makes a whole set of teeth!

Boil everything and mash it all up into a nice mush, so I can gum it down good!

* * *

Measuring Sticks. Adding It All Up!

How does this apply in America today?

Let’s see.

The Religious fundamentalists devote themselves to saving the unborn, hating Faggots and universal health care, and hating everybody else who isn’t a White Christian.

They want to establish a Religious dictatorship where God tells us all what to think and do, and they don’t give a crap about the environment, which is “God’s Creation”, and they don’t care what the quality of life is like for everybody else while we are here on the planet. Whole lotta freedom and love down that route.

The Tea Party devotes itself to No Taxes at all, and to the philosophy of essentially No Government, except for a national military, and a local police force, to protect their property, the land on which it stands, and their piles of hoarded money.

The GOP devotes itself to praying to Holy Corporate Profits, undertaxing and Coddling the Rich, having No Rules for the Rich, having No Justice System or Laws to protect regular people and the environment FROM the rich, and giving huge “Cadillac Corporate Welfare Queen Tax Loophole Subsidies” to businessmen, which creates a Culture of “Corporate Dependence”, and bloats and impregnates the already complex, military industrial Welfare Baby.

And, as an added bonus, the GOP doesn’t seriously tax the rich or the corporations, which leaves you holding the bag to run the whole government!

Oh, and just so you know, the GOP has now figured out how to get rid of the Justice System too! You just cut its budget, and under fund it! With fewer courts and judges, see you at trial in about ten years! You don’t have to worry about Big Gubblemint justice botherin’ you, or saving your ass anymore, when the doctor fucks up and chops off your penis by mistake!

So, what does the Democratic Party devote itself to?


[Tap, tippity, tap.] “Hold on, I’m THINKING!”

“Wait a minute! I think I got something here!”

“Is it, MORE corporate profits??”

Meanwhile, nobody gives a shit about The Whole Society. Everybody is protecting their single tree, and forgetting what the whole forest looks like.

The Question now is, have the corporations and banks bought all the last remaining, full measures, of grit and devotion, from ALL our politicians? Do they own them all, lock, stock, and barrel?

Is there no one left to stand, against the Corporate Raiders, of the Nation’s Soul?

What is left for America to be devoted to, if you are forced to believe in a fundamentalist religion, Profit is the only Measuring stick for our lives, and Democracy is a Board Game, owned by the Wealthy Few?

That is the kind of nation I don’t want to live in.

It is a nation that tyrannizes the Soul, where my freedom and everyone else’s, is merely on Corporate Loan, where the loan can be recalled at any moment, and where the Rich have once again, sucked the life out of the nation, and the blood marrow right out of the people’s bones.

Rise up, protest in any way you can, make your voice heard, and help take back our nation’s soul, from the lifeless Vampire Corporate Drones.

The Corporate Machines will Not Control the People!

It is the PEOPLE, who WILL CONTROL the Machines!

The Revolution is on.

U.S. Captain John Paul Jones, while clinging to the rigging on his damaged man o’ war sailing ship, yelled to his British opponent, “I have not yet begun to fight!”

Our Battle, the People against the Corporate Machines, has just begun.

Doolittle’s Raiders will launch from the Hornet, and symbolically pinprick our new Corporate Emperor.

The soulless, and evil Corporate Empire WILL be pushed back, harnessed, and brought under the control, of mankind’s better angels.

And Max Profit, the ultimate CEO, will die in his Board Room Bunker, amid his shattered dreams of world control.

It is now “The People versus the Corporate Machines.”

The People versus Greed.

Society versus Maximum Profit.

And Real Democracy versus SOLD Democracy.

I say to you, let loose the dogs of war, let the War for Real Democracy, begin.

And let us Pray!

Yea tho I walk thru the Valley of the Shadow of Corporate Imposed Blight, I have seen the light of True Citizen Freedom!

And the Truth is marching onward!

To where the Grapes of Greedy Wrath are stored!

And the Corporate Greed Machines will feel the terrible swift lightning, of the People’s Voice and Sword!

Off with their Heads!

Hang the False Prophets of the Rich, and their unfeeling Corporate Heads!

The Rich are the New Tyrants!

The Uncontrolled, and in control Rich, are the new Threat to Freedom!

They have bought the Government, stolen it from the Citizens, and now create an unfair Society!

Bring back the Guillotine, and the Hangman’s Knot!




Faint Bernard

How ya like them apples, Mountain Boy?

Johnny Appleseed is a comin’!

Yep, plantin’ ideas, all upside yer Hank Williams Jr., Mr. Softee Head!

* * *

Why I’m a Douche Bag

Ya know, Senator Edwards sweet talked me, and then Obama sweet talked me. And I fell for em both, and let them stick their candy dicks in me.

And then they both disappointed me. And now I’m feelin’ like just one big used, and abused Pussy. God, I’m such a douche bag!

I’m just like a chick!

I let them Fuck me, and then they dumped me!

I voted for two political dicks, and I got fucked twice!

They get their pre-election hard on, then they go all limp and wimpy on ya.

I shoulda voted for Hilary, she has balls.

She’d probably ride ya forever.

Yee ha! Ride em, Cowgirl! Grind that dick into the Dust!

* * *

Final Diagnosis

Obama’s father sweet talked the women in his life to get them hooked, then would mistreat them. Then he would sweet talk them again, to get them back. Then he would mistreat them again.

Anybody see a pattern here?

Obama is repeating the pattern of his father.

Obama is two timing us -- the citizens -- while having a mistress on the side.

He tells Us we are his wife, but then he gots a girl on the side. Shhh! Don’t tell nobody!

She be the corporate Mistress, the corporate bitch. He’s way down low, with the corporate Bro, having a sweet corporate Bromance. A Money Bromance.

Corporate Dude: “Here’s some money, Barack, all you gotta do for it, is swallow this!”

Barack: “Swallow what?”

“Just close your eyes, and put this Big Money Cock in your mouth, and make a few rules go away, change a few regulations, and accept our corporate Demands! Easy! And while you’re at it, how about a lower tax, or a bigger loophole for my rich buddies?”

Barack: [with corporate cock in his mouth] “Mmmpf, rumfff, otay, ahll fee what ahh can dooh!” [Gulp! Swallow, swallow!] “Man, that one was Salty! Nice cock though, and really nice big balls!”

Yep, ol Barack is running his game. Doing the corporate Bromistress, on the side.

Selling Democracy by the bushel.

One big bag of Money after another. Just like the GOP, while they both pretend to help the regular people.

It’s really sad.

Why is it sad?

Because first we defeated the British King that unfairly ruled us, then we defeated the Conservative Confederate Traitors of the American South with their System of Slavery, then we defeated the Nazi and Japanese Empires that threatened to take over the entire world and almost did, then we outlasted Communism for half a century during the Cold War.

For what?

So we could just SELL OUR DEMOCRACY, to the rich? To Giant Corporations, Bankers, and the Superrich? To an asshole rich fuckhead?


In the eightis and nineties the news media created hysteria over selling our assets, and companies to foreigners. That’s nothing. When  you start selling your DEMOCRACY to companies, who are people according to the conservative runaway activist Supreme court, then you are TROUBLE WITH A CAPITAL  T.

As for the Supreme Court, where in the hell in the Doctrine of Original Intent , does it say in the Constitution that Corporations ARE PEOPLE? WHERE?

How did they derive that? Money is Speech, therefore money and corporations are People?

Who’s To Blame?

I blame all those spoiled baby boomer voters, who wanted their lollipops NOW, and who grew up with no clue, of how a century of hard struggle for Progressive Liberal Reforms improved both our Nation, and our lives.

And what do the hard hat blue collar boomers do with that lack of historical knowledge? They ignored it, because they didn’t KNOW it, and they simply asked themselves the simplistic GOP Question, “Are you better off now, than before?” Picture Ronald Raygun asking them this.

Well, of course, as Globalizations hits, your standard of living drops! Duh! But that’s what the Free Market Free Trader Purists didn’t tell us when they opened our Markets to the world, and the rest of the world still kept their markets closed, or highly resistance to us.

We basically pulled our pants down, and got fucked in the name of “Pure Free Trade.” But it’s PURE! 99 percent Theory!

What the GOP didn’t tell you, is at the beginning of free trade and globalization, the advanced country gets fucked first, because their standard of living drops, and only way later in the game do things even out.

They also don’t tell you that the rich, the people at the top benefit most from free trade when it first starts. It can be decades later that benefits are spread more evenly.

So the vast unwashed blue collar bumpkins voted, Unwisely it turns out, for GOP Policies that started to tear down and got rid of everything that had originally protected the regular people from the harsh brutalities of unregulated Capitalism.

As globalization starts in the 1970s, they fall for the GOP Promise of “We will make your life Better, AND let you hate others!”

They believe Ronald “MacDonald” Reagan’s “morning sunshine pancakes again in America” line, that by getting rid of all the rules and reforms of the last century, we will somehow make the economy go Faster and Better, and make everybody’s life brighter and better.

Yep, Faster and Better for the rich alright, and Unsafe and Worse, for everybody else, the regular people.

It‘s so sad, because basically what the GOP has done, is figure out that you can fool enough Stupid Voters, by playing on economic anger, fears, hatreds, and by using a carefully crafted, scripted GOOD SHOW, with likable blue collar characters!

They’ve basically created a Political Hollywood Sitcom, with likable, blue collar actors, blue collar issue scripts, and let the people vote for the show and the story line they like best.

“Hey! Vote for Me! Aww, shucks! I’m just like YOU! Just a lot, lot Richer! Trust me! I really am JUST LIKE YOU!

“Shhh! Now bend over, and be quiet, becuz you‘re really not supposed to hear this next part! Cuz now I’m gonna rape ya, with my Big CORPORATE MONEY COCK, behind the scenes of course, so you can’t see it! Don’t worry, I’ll put it in nice and slow, and after awhile, you won‘t even know it‘s in there, you’ll be completely used to it, just like the Blue Collar Wussy Puss you’ve been turned into!”

“And I’m gonna talk to ya, while I’m fucking you, cuz I’m a corporation, and I have the right to talk to you as I Rape you, cuz the Conservative packed Supreme Court said so.”

“Enjoy! That’s a little expression I picked up from them Jew People! Ya know, them New York City Crazy Jew Bankers are pretty smart when it comes to Money and Banking!”

“The rest of the world is hurtin’, but them Jew Boys is doing alright!”

“We oughta take a page from their book, don’tcha think?”

“Didja know them Jew Boys invented the Atom Bomb? Yessiree! Blew Tokyo right off the map! Now, just between you and me, I hear them Jew Boys is working on doing the same thing for the Finance World!”

“Yep, I guess that’s what the Deepartmint of Our Beeyooteefull Home Land Security means, when they talk about the threat of a Dirty Bomb blowing up in the HEART of the City!”

“Them Jew Boys is mighty CLEVER!”

“Yessir! They is ensuring the PURITY, OF OUR PRECIOUS, FINANCIAL FLUIDS!”

“Right down to the Bedrock, to the very Twin Towers, of our Youman Beanness!”

“Now that’s what I call, a real Mitzvah, a real pancakes in mourning, for America!”

* * *

Doing the Shimmy Shake!

In 1929 it was the WASPs, the White Anglo Saxon Protestants, who burnt down Wall Street, and created the Great Depression. In 2008, it was the people who were on Wall Street, that burnt down Wall Street, and created the Great Recession.

Gotta give every ethnic group a chance!

Spread those stereotypes around, and give a them a little room to breath!

Fairness, that’s what I say.

I am definitely not Anti Semi Typical. I’m all for the Full Typical.

Yep, I think the Full Typical still works.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Quacks like a duck, looks like a duck…

Course, now it’s way too late to duck, and you’ve already been fucked.

My, what a nice morning Mitzvah! It’s mourning in America again, where the city on the shining hill, has once more, fucked us all.

What I can’t figure out, is if them Jew Boys can figure out how the Atom Bomb and the whole Big Bang Universe works, why can’t they figure out how Finance works?

I mean, come on, what the fuck, this is not Atom Bomb Science!

It’s just dollars and Sense!

“Ahh, yess! But we forgot der EXPLOSIVE Molecular POWER of Greed! My Gott! Yes, MC Squared=E, or, Mass times Cash Squared equals Envy!”

“Wunderbar! Der Love of Money, is at der Root of the der Big Bang Fuck of der Universe!”

“Why didn’t I see DAT?”

“And der was no Rabbi in der Equation to prevent der Mass from going Critical, and Creating a Chain Reaction!”

“If der had been a Rabbi in der Equation, it might have been a Market Fizzle, instead of a Meltdown! Der Equation was missing a Rabbi!”

“Mit out a Rabbi, the whole nuclear pile of monetary shit overheated, and caused a Black Hole/Vagina Syndrome Collapse, sucking in everything around it, including der Whole Economy, and givink everyone an Economically Transmitted Disease!”

“My Gott! What HAVE WE DONE!?”

“We haff infected der whole Nation mit AIDS!”

“Acquired Insecurity Disease Syndrome!”

* * *

Back in Time

The Blue Collar people need to go back in time, a Century, to see how the rich used to really abuse the regular people, and get a taste of how hard life was back then.

And they should be informed of all the improvements that were made to make their current life better. Then they would realize they never had it better, and they have all participated in making their lives worse, by helping the GOP over the last thirty years get rid of all the rules it took a century to make!

* * *

So, guess who’s better than the GOP Washington pundits, and better than the New York City shrinks?

Don’t know?

Little old Bernardy! That’s who!

I’ll send you the bill in the morning.

Just file it under Psycho Political Analysis.

Like the people running the show are the freakin’ “Normal Ones!”

It’s the assholes who WORK on Wall Street, they’re the real freaks. The Wall

Street Bankers are the “dirty, hippie mob, with no Value System”, except the dollar.
Anybody who advances the Big Corporate Agenda to BUY OUR DEMOCRACY, they’re the Freaks, not the protesters on Wall Street.

It’s the people who want to buy our Democracy, thru lobbyists and campaign cash, that are the Real TRAITORS to America, and the real threat to our Freedom.

* * *

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